Thursday, June 27, 2013

A little bit of humor

Best Bud
So this week has been a comic relief...literally one BIG laugh!
I dont know why one big funny thing keeps happening after another.  It is so strange.  
 Caleb won first place at science camp!  His science journal was mostly unreadable (to bad we didn't have him go to writing camp for an hour before science camp) BUT so awesome!!  He met a lot of fun friends and I am letting him keep the volcano in the backyard!
 Tate is my best bud.  We do everything together.  I had come up with very smart plan.  I made everyone a big breakfast cleaned it up and then said I was going to make scrambled eggs (I knew everyone hated them, so I wouldn't have to share and I could eat in peace). Of course Tate had to help but that was okay.  But I notice instead of shredding he was actually taking bites out of the cheese (SO GROSS)..anyway.  When all was said and done everyone decided they liked scrambled eggs again and I divided them up evenly but somehow ended up with non for myself.  Apparently they were very good because the kids would like them tomorrow.   Super!
~~Ainsley has become my "I cant wait for you to start kindergarten so I can have some peace and quiet" child.  At the pool she always makes a new friend...this week it is Ethan, last week it was Stella.  She is always hungry.  She will eat an entire bag of corn and start and entire bag of "bean greens."  She always wakes up at 6:00am on the dot.  She is a bit of a toot and she will change her outfit about 3 times a day.  She loves to color and she loves her dad.
~~Tate shoved on his Christmas sweater for church.  When I say shoved, I mean when I turned around he put it on faster then he has ever done anything in his entire life.  He wouldn't take it off. So, we were THAT family on Sunday.   When we got home and I was taking off his nice clothes for a nap and he had 3 socks on one foot!!!  WHAT!!!
As a mom with children of a certain age I believe there are things that the kids can do on their own without my hovering...the kids can brush their own teeth and hair, the kids can dress themselves (except Caleb he will ALWAYS pick his black baseball shorts so I just grab a nice pair), and the kids can wash and shower themselves.  Clearly during the summer I might have to take a step back and rethink these things.
~~Caleb..okay so funny.  We were at the pool and I guess he just jumped into the water and his swim trunks just split right down the back!!!  His buddies didn't notice (thank goodness) but I was walking over to make sure the kids told me what section they were going to be in because the pool was getting to crowded and he told me what had happened!!  Bahaha!  It was so bad we had to leave.  I had to take a picture for memories, and of course keep the shorts I mean what if he hadn't of noticed!!!  Oh boy!
~~Aubrey got her first love letter in the mail from a boy.  She is a very VERY shy girl so reading a letter from a boy that would draw attention to her was so fun for me to watch and so out of character for her!
I am officially know as "fill in the blank's" mom.  It doesn't matter where I am...even in the lazy river a different child will find me and I will hear "Aubrey's mom!  Have you seen Aubrey?"  I love when I hear this...."Tate's mom!  Do you know where Tate's sister is?"  I was doing really good with names until the really hot days and the friends piled up and then it just got to be too much.
Andy finally came with us, his first pool day!!!  He loved meeting all the kids friends and he even lasted our entire pool time, he was shocked that Ainsley could swim the entire length of the pool without touching!  

Last but not kids need some serious culture...we were walking into the pool (that is next to the fair grounds) and Caleb said "Ewehh, what is that smell?"  I looked and saw all the horses and said, "Oh they are getting ready for the 4th of July Rodeo!" and Caleb said, "What is that like a skateboard competition?"  What the heck?!!!!!!  Oh my goodness?!

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