Tuesday, August 12, 2014

First Day of School 

The night before school starts in always exciting.  Aubrey says she wish school never got out for summer!  Ainsley lays all of her clothes out and Caleb finally goes to sleep without arguing with Tate.
 Ainsley is stuck with the Hulk comforter until her birthday because he got "FLARP" all over it.  I absolutely can't get it out and it doesn't try so is can stain and spread.  She still looks comfy enough! 
 Caleb slept cozied up next to Tate like always.  I try to put them in their separate beds and they end up right next to each other.
Aubrey, while excited, still has her nightly routine.  

This year I have caved to the fact that I can not pick out the children's clothes.  If Ainsley doesn't want to wear a dress or a dress shirt on the first day then let her pick.  I did make Caleb take a break from basketball shorts (I hate those things and he has 10 that a friend gave me) but I am pretty sure he will wear them until January when it snows.
 First Day Pictures (with multiple "OH MOM", it is for the memories!!!) 
 Ainsley, 1st grade.  She has the teacher I wanted her to have and she gets to sit across from her buddy Wyatt.  She was pretty excited to be at an all boy table.  What a silly girl!
 Aubrey, 4th grade.  This is her last year of elementary school.  She has the kindest, soft spoken teacher.  Aubrey was excited to have her and I am too.
 Caleb, 3rd grade.  He was less than excited when he found out none of his best buddies were in his class.  He was "bent out of shape" about going to Meet the Teachers last night but just like I told him…the minute he walks through the door everyone is calling his name!  He has a boy teacher, which I wasn't so sure about but now I am excited.  His teacher is really fun and loves science, perfect for Caleb!
 Walking to the bus wasn't so bad…30 minutes later than last year but the bus was 15 minutes late!  Yikes, I hope the get to school on time!  A new bus and a new bus driver this year!
 Tate, bummed about not getting to ride the bus and being left behind.  He gets to start preschool across town next week.  He has a wonderful teacher that takes them on nature walks and is just incredibly wonderful!

With small class sizes this year, a new school layout this is going to be a great year for the Griners!!
It is kind of a bummer that I won't ever have all 4 kids in the same school, not good planning on my part!  :)

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