Monday, February 16, 2009

The week of Valentines!!
Weeks with holidays are always fun and this week was definitely not boring. With the weather being perfect, sunny, and 70 on Monday and Tuesday with it came the crash of my lap top and our neighbors house was robbed in the middle of the day. By Wednesday it was snowing, overcast, and I was paranoid (especially after watching the documentary on the Zodiac with Andy). Thursday seemed to settle down and Friday morning Aubrey had her school party! She loved dressing up and giving Dora Valentines with Stickers to all of her school friends. While Aubrey had her party I went and registered her for next years preschool at St. Paul's and I have high hopes we will find an affordable preschool for Caleb! I will cross my fingers!

Friday afternoon the kids actually took a nap and I couldn't believe how quiet the house was. It must have been the calm before the storm because Aubrey woke up screaming and holding her ear. Unbelievable!! It was deja'vu of last week with Caleb. I made a quick call to the doctor, woke up Caleb from his nap (not a happy camper), shoved the kids in the car, and drove across town. After waiting 1 hour 30 minutes, Aubrey had an ear infection.

Saturday was Valentines Day!!! After a crazy week I really wanted to do something fun for the kids. I blew up balloons and bought some fun little gift for the kids. They were so excited!!


Pickles for Breakfast ! said...

What a cool mom you are!!!

Clair said...

Love the sunglasses! Man, are all the kids better yet?