Caleb's first day of "special" school.
For the last week I have been thinking of a way to target Caleb's "destructive" behavior (example: toilet paper all over the bathroom floor, peanut butter all over his shirt and the cabinet, my folded laundry thrown all over the floor,....the list could go on and on)into something more positive. Since Aubrey has started school I thought it would be the perfect time for Caleb to have "special" school at home with me. My mom gave me a bunch of preschool books and I planned my lessons for the rest of the week. I couldn't wait for today to start so that I could try this out on Caleb. Well, today started at 3am. Ainsley is still sick and very sad. Every hour after 3 my energy slowly faded and I became less enthusiastic about starting Caleb's school. By the time Aubrey and Caleb woke up all my energy was gone and Ainsley was still crying. After Aubrey had been dropped off at school the words "Don't just think about it, Do it" kept running through my mind. So, I put Caleb's new shoes on him (I figured that if I made Caleb wear shoes for his school time it would feel more special for him)and sat him up to the table.
Caleb was so excited. He took it very seriously and seemed to soak in every minute. We read a Curious George book on Making Pancakes!
The last part of "special" school was pretend time. I found a cheap batman mask and Walmart and he pretended to be Super Caleb while I cleaned Aubreys room.
I am so glad that I did this. He has been so wonderful and helpful all day. When school was over he took his new shoes off, put them away, and then told me all about what he did. When we picked up Aubrey Caleb made sure tell Aubrey everything he did at HIS "special" school!
I am so glad that I did this. He has been so wonderful and helpful all day. When school was over he took his new shoes off, put them away, and then told me all about what he did. When we picked up Aubrey Caleb made sure tell Aubrey everything he did at HIS "special" school!