Thursday, January 30, 2014

No sweat, right?

No sweat, right?
Well, I am 29 now.  One more year and I will have officially crossed over!
Spring Pictures (in January) and Class Pictures.
Last year I was really excited about class pictures, they have really big class sizes but when I got the class pictures half the class was out due to the flu/lice/soar throat and I paid for Aubrey's and never got it. This year I am very involved in Ainlseys class, I know all the kids in Caleb's class and the teachers are wonderful.  Considering the flu and coughing that his been traveling like a blink of an eye no way am I buying pictures, plus I might not get them if I do.  
I knew how this morning was going to work though.  I knew Caleb were wear whatever I wanted him to.  It works like this on the last day of school before Christmas, Valentines day, last day of school before Easter and picture day.  He takes heat from his buddies and says he loves his mom.  Aubrey picks out her own out fits and hair style….I learned this long ago.  Then there was AINSLEY.  The child who hates skirts, tights, and dresses (dress shoes are included "obviously mom"…Sundays are a struggle).  I would have let her Half Way pick what she wanted to wear but the teacher made a specific request for Spring Dresses.  That is when my morning changed forever!  She is a very dramatic child in everything she does, so with this beautiful dress it was…I HATE THIS DRESS.  IT IS TOO ITCHY.  I HATE TIGHTS.  YOUR THE MEANEST MOM I'VE EVER SEEN.  THIS IS THE UGLIEST DRESS. I quietly removed her iPod and the dress and told her to pick any dress she wanted but it need to be a dress, her teacher (whom she liked a lot) requested it and she was reading to the principal today. She finally picked the dress below (after 39 minutes of crying), Aubrey let her borrow a cover up.  I believe she shoved clothes and shoes in her backpack.  The weird thing about it was she saw what she was wearing the night before when I was doing homework and reading with her.  
I have just decided that girls from 6-8 are very hard for me.  While boys really love their mom after all those years of breaking and destroying everything nice…they even break ceiling fans.  I have stories.
Girl clothes.  Aubrey put on these pink things.  They are not nylons because they do not cover her feet.  they are cute AND made out of nylon material.  What a fun idea for dresses.  Especially because she always get so cold.  I do not think she is suppose to wear socks with them but baby steps.  They might have even come with a dress a year ago.
I hate cover ups.  I really wish they would make more clothes with sleeves.  
Caleb is a strong size 7, but he appears to often be waiting for a flood!  They should make 7's longer.
Swimsuit season is coming up.  STOP making boy swimsuits with metal on them!!!  I have also decided involving my children in picking out their own swimsuits this year is not going to happen and letting Andy be a buffer, nope.  He said Aubrey could get a Monokini with the words ROXY on the rear!  No, no.  What about the creepers,  he is insane sometimes or he was probably thinking about something else.  I am cross my fingers for the 2nd.

February please come soon!  With no snow and less wind!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

End of January…Finally!

With January coming to a close, a moment of silence seem to be needed, a long nap longed for, a pool count down started, and a reminder that January might be the WORST month ever for the 10th year in a row.  Pretty heavy!
Every year I think maybe not, but it is.  While this month has more school days than the previous year by an entire week.  There was no snow (I actually like that part) but the weather range from 7 to 45 to 56 in 24 hours.  The wind was out of control and I didn't have a single full week with all the kids in school.  All the coughing, gagging, sneezing…my cup system did not work this month.  There was no saving this month. 
 Let me talk about the family dog.  Who "doesn't" like the heat.  I put that in quotations because that is what Andy's told me to convince me that is was suppose to be an indoor dog.  Pretty sure he loves the heat.  Winston goes strait to the fire place every morning,  he usually buts his rear right up against it, and he usually has to be asked to leave before he will.  
 When I tell Winston to get off the mantel he goes right over the Andy's speaker to sleep.  Poor little buddy is going to end up with a hearing problem or Andy is going to end up with a hole in his speaker.
 No, this looks staged because I have never seen it.  Andy took this picture of Winston in his actual bed.  Never Never with my own eyes have I seen this.
 Tate's first show and tell day.  He took Weiney.  Then he left Weiney and we had to go without Weiney for the 3 day weekend.  It was a LONG weekend!!  My dinning room table has become the escape from the dog table.  Tate's "safe" zone.  If I can't find anyone…that is wear they all are…safe from the dog.  
 Nap time…this is not the face of a kid who looks like he is going to take a nap.  He did but if took 2 warnings and when I had to wake him up 30 minutes later his behavior was exactly like I told him it would be. Cranky! TATE!
 Letting Tate take a picture.  I probably should have been folding clothes but I was super tired and I only had one episode of LIFE left.  That was a really good show.  In my defense the kitchen was clean and I was at the school for 3 hours that morning doing sight word testing.  Kids say the best things!
It was Caleb's weekend at Grandmas.  This is what my front seat always looks like.  I have my church bag with the RS manual, my scriptures, a book, water, and 3 IPODS, a 3DS, an IPAD and my purse…oh and a playset catalog.  When I was taking this picture I thought my goodness this is so sad that I need all these electronics just for sanity to Lonejack and back.  Caleb had fun with his grandparents and I get a break from his dental questions which are his new line of questioning.  I just said to ask Grandpa or Grandma they will know!  Perfect timing really!
 The flu circled to Ainsley.  The one child who will not make it to the toilet.  It took 6 thow-ups for her to be able to use a trash can.  She was very sick.  So, lots of bedding wash.  No volunteering at the school.  Since I told Ainsley she could pick a movie…an entire morning of the New Direction movie from Red Box.  Just Ainsley and me.  She did throw-up all in the van (even though she had bag).  My poor van has really taken a throw-up hit in the last month.  Very sad. What isn't very sad is Tate…that darn Tate put the dog in the bath with Ainsley!!  Tate also was trying to give Ainsley a hug because he felt bad she was sick so he tried to get on the bed and stepped in Ainsleys throw up trash can! So gross!  So SO gross!!!  
Saturday,Family day, No electronics day, rest so you can go to church and do not miss school next week day!  Also, try funky food.  The kids always love tacos but would they eat them in a funky new shell?!!  I do not know why Aubrey isn't in the pictures.  She is around somewhere.  They thought the taco bowl shells were really cool!  It was a nice break not to make taco shells from scratch!  The kids (minus Aubrey) put all the toppings on minutes tomatoes.  I think its a texture things.  They love lettuce!  We watched "What about Bob" to end the night and had homemade Cheesecake by Ainsley!

It has been a busy week.  Tate started a fun library group and he learned about SNOWMEN, in addition to preschool 3 days a week.  My 31 days of organizing/cleaning is almost done and I am so glad I started the year off with it!  Aubrey had a big, not a final, but more like a new biannual doctors appointment.  It was good for Aubrey to be back with a Specialist that she likes and is comfortable with.  Caleb go to go the police station for scout and be in the jail sell!!! oh boy!!

This morning our family kneeled in a circle to pray for the loss of both our cousins.  While I feel full of sadness for everything my family might be going through I wanted to explain what had happened to my children so that when we said the prayer they would understand and be able to say their own individual prayer if they wanted to.  My heart was full as my children said the kindest of words and I am so glad they understand the Plan of Salvation.  I have an incredible little family and I know with time grief will turn to understanding as in just these short hours as everyone has gathered together it already has.  I love my family.

Friday, January 24, 2014

January: A Day In The Life

January: a Day in a life. 
 I feel honored to be asked to join this "A Day in a life" blog circle.  With all these mom's who take professional pictures, have "it" together, and I imagine clean kids.  I didn't think I would be linking to them and I FOR GOODNESS sake didn't think I would be taking 14 pictures BUT I did get in 12 before I lost the camera and fell asleep before 8:00pm.  So tired, so very very tired.
I did mine on the 20th (a calm, no school day) because crazy can only describe the 16th.  I will follow the rules next month…pretty sure.

CUPS…NO one is getting sick like I have been.  No one is going to miss school.   No one is going to throw up.  No one is going to in anyway end up with gross coughs, sneezes, or endless runny noses and then pass them around.  NOPE.  CUPS!
 #1.  The only problem was I caught Tate with the permanent marker the other day and threw it and the scissors high up above the oven only Andy will be able to get them.  Man, I could have used those today.  I kept having to re-write the names.
 #2 and #3 No school. Muffins for breakfast.  My two helpers.  One mixer (Andy will later in the night crack this bowl in half, bad luck) and one cup placer!
I am not sure what happened but when the muffins came out of the oven Tate's shirt was dismantled. He blamed the dog.  I was in a hurry to pick up Caleb's friend, so confused, and pretty sure that is not what happened since I heard no screaming so I slide another shirt on his and notice but put in the back of my head his strange laying on the wood floor behavior. 
#4 and #5  How to get all the kids energy out…Rainbowplay showroom.  15+ swing sets, a trampoline,  and a basketball hoop.  Boom!  The only downside is that stupid floor.  The kids get really dirty.  Not a fan.  I hear mom's with little kids say they love LOVE love it…so I guess it isn't going anywhere any time soon.
                                                  #6  Caleb's and his buddy Dallen.
 #7 These might be mind craft faces.  I have no idea what that is.  I keep hearing about it.  "Everything is square Sister Griner!"  or  "Ya, Mom"   Please note that about 10 minutes after this picture when we were in the car Tate threw up.  Why, well I can tell that in this picture he isn't feeling good and he said his ear hurt and he just can't catch a break with his ears.  My cup system didn't stand a chance.

 #8  After Tate let it ALL out  I carried him into McDonalds and life seemed to be better. 
 #9 and #10 M&M cookies with my two helpers and the new Percy Jackson movie.  The kids loved it.

 #11 Winston has life so easy.  Fall asleep here, fall asleep there.  That bell behind him, every time he has to go to the bathroom he just rings it and we let him out!  Very smart, that dog!
 #12  The new Percy Jackson movie was very intense!  I must say it was a little for me as well because when I looked up at it the character that had two eyes only had one.  WOOOO!

To end the day… after dinner, clean up, FHE I had all the kids in bed when Andy calls having locked his keys in his car.  Bummer!  So, I had to get everyone up, load them up, and go and give him a key all the way in OP.  Drive back, settle everyone down again, by then I was going to take an end of day picture, maybe of the clean house or kids sleeping but I couldn't find the camera and I fell asleep thinking about where it might be.  It was a good day!

Since this is part of a blog circle here is the next blog.  There are 10 all together!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Catching the flu…

This is actually a picture-less blog because the charger is missing.  I could be to blame, but could I?  I mean if ever we get frustrated after 2 days of looking for something all I have to do is say what I'm looking for out loud and it magically appears in Tate's hand.  That TATE!  The only problem is on my 31 days of organizing for January one could say (Andy and the kids) that I have a tendency to throw things away.  Since Andy can't describe it and I obviously wouldn't throw it away we will just have to wait until my 31days are over.  I just know it will turn up.  A de cluttered house is a HAPPY :) house just ask the garage, the basement, and the main floor!

Last week was a busy week.  
1. We were put in a new Ward,  almost comically but if you are going to do it then I suppose that is the best way.  The stake presidency had us sing Choose The Right, showed us on the big screen the new ward and new ward boundaries, one by one had each new ward stand up and raise our hand, and then had us sing I'll go where you want me to go dear Lord!  I had one child crying, one thinking we had to move, and one said, "What The Heck" while I hurried and covered his mouth (That Tate)!  We knew we weren't going to be staying in our ward but it was pretty sad still the same.  Lots of changes, lots of growth in the area.  It is like moving, without unpacking or clean walls.  Bummer!

2.  Tate had his physical.  -3 pounds, 4 shots, and major screaming.  It was intense for EVERYONE involved and not involved.  Pretty much anyone who was in the building.  Which I thought was interesting that everyone in the waiting room had on a mask…we just sat far away for everyone because Tate was there for a physical and wouldn't put one on (it looked a little to much like the surgery one)…I say this now and will come back to it.

3.  Tate had his last ENT appointment!  All AOK!  Even Weiney dog got checked out.  

4.  I love my volunteer work at the elementary school.  I love being able to help with sight words and phonics in Kindergarten.  ABC's and just everything its just great.  I've been working with these kids for a semester now.  I love their growth and kids say the funniest things for sure…poor Caleb's teacher.

5.  Muffins with Mom at the elementary school.  I was at the elementary school at 7:15am to help cut them and then Ainlsey ditched me, Caleb tried to distracted me from the 2nd grade "electronic convention" going on behind me, 2 of Aubrey's friends introduced themselves to me (notice how it wasn't the other way around), and Tate ate my muffin when I was talking to one of Aubrey's friends.  

6.  I got to the bottom of this entire Superman is dead thing.  So, the the kids have been devastated all week (ESPECIALLY TATE) that Andy told Lany's dad Superman is dead.  The truth is ( it took me 5 days of questions from the kids about DC vs Marvel and I have no idea….) it is a song they are playing soon on the guitar.  Next time please spell it or take it outside!

7.  After this weeks events (which do not include in and out with Winston) my head cold turned into the flu at 2pm.  Not just any flu.  The flu of 2007.  So I tried to call Andy to tell him I "caught the flu."  Tate had never seen me so sick and thought for the last 3 days that he could catch it like you catch a ball and throw it away so he has been looking for it. That Tate!  BUT while I have been sick I have been trying to backpedal my week to see where I got it.  Having been to two doctors, Tate's preschool 3 times, the kids elementary school 2 times, the church, and the night before Winston wasn't feeling to hot.  It is just baffling but it is brutal…Not enough sanitizing can be done to stay clear of this nastiness!! 

8.  On a good note, Report cards.  If the kids thought I would forget about them due to the flu….no.  I do not understand why Caleb never wants to show us.  This isn't Mrs. Talbs class anymore;)  This is his  area, he should want to show us.  So odd that little guy.  It was fun to see Ainsley and Caleb's dibbles test.  I have never got to see theirs before.  I can't wait until they go to just letters A,B..but the kids worked really hard last semester and did really well, all 3 of them! 

9.  I watched The Parent Trap (old/new) with the kids.  They cracked up!  Watching movies I watched when I lived at home is so fun. 

So, I was asked by a new acquaintance Heather to reflect back on the holiday season and write something I am grateful for.  She is so positive and her story is @  She is an 8 year survivor of mesothelioma.  She has a beautiful family.  She is wonderful.

Since I just did the holidays and my news letter. I will do this.  
I found this old picture.  10 Christmas ago…I didn't have to wake up early, or stay up extra late the night before, I didn't spend the week before hiding presents, waiting by the door for the mail man, or even make sure the candy in one stocking didn't have "milk product."  10 years ago I wasn't as thankful to wake up in the morning as I am now.  Even though I might complain about laundry, wonder where all the cuties went, and I always have to plan on running 10 minutes late, ALWAYS.  I am more thankful for my days, my Christmas Eve, and Christmas Morning because I have you.   Thank you, Aubrey Jean

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Day has finally come!

Back to School!

 Winter break that had regular Kansas weather snow, so warm you do not need shoes to play outside , sleet, cancelled church, strong wind, and then the day you think your kids are going back to school they cancel it because of negative temps. 
 No no no!  I had a plan.  I was going to take Tate to his first day of preschool, shed a couple of "wow, my kids are growing up tears", head to Elena's house look at everything she has changed, bought, and done different to her house since I have last been there.  Maybe get motived.  I had a plan.  No plan.  Just "Hair Spray 3" times, a continue massive search for Aubrey's IPAD,  and Freaky Friday.  Oh, and I still felt like the freezing cold from outside came inside.  Although hearing Hair Spray and Freaky Friday in the back ground made my day halfway "Yellow" those shows are so fun/funny and my kids just laugh and dance and laugh!  
**After 2 full days of searching and throwing half of the house away I have found the IPAD. ANDY!!!!!!! (I say that while itching with stress and halfway baffled that I have lost sleep over this, 2 days of Clark missed sleep… not good my friend)
Today was the day though! January 7th!  Booya!  The kids were excited!  Aubrey starts her new program at school today so it is actually a big day for her.  A big change.  Ainsley starts back to school with her two front teeth and her bottom teeth…she is like an entire new person!  I hope her teacher recognizes her:)  Caleb starts school actually tying his shoes not tucking them, say what?  I couldn't figure out for the longest time why his shoes would always come un-tied, why his shoelaces would be destroyed so quickly…then I noticed him tucking them. Tucking?!  He knew when he said the words he was defeated the lazy bum!  I am happy to say their shoes and backpacks lasted an entire year and a half!  The backpacks made it just in time…thank you zappo's and amazon!  No excuses for anything falling out now!
With all of winter break homework done (there was a lot), temps still freezing, class snacks in backpacks, kindergarten paid for, nails painted color of choice, teeth brushed for 120 seconds, they were ready by 6:45, Griner record!
Now just me and the Tater have the laundry and I am glad I have his super hero muscles to move Ainsley room….we have to get these nightmares to stop.  She asked to have her room switched (Aubrey said no) so she asked if I would move around her room.  I will google I ideas, I guess.  
Poor Winston doesn't understand where everyone is so he has been terrorizing Tate all morning, kind of like karma (since I remember Tate terrorizing Caleb constantly) it is so fun to watch!!
I am so thankful for a One Direction Free Day.  I even caught Andy singing it in the shower the other day.  

*Things to write so I do not forget.

-Caleb likes the color Red now.
-Aubrey borrowed my IPOD form which she said my music was out of control so I made her a play list which she wanted me to only include church music and disney music. (Andy tried to get to admit my music had curse words and Aubrey used her hands in a while manner over her head and said My music is chaotic and not soft…in my defense I gave her it while I was looking for her IPAD and put it on church music, she must have just continues to listen)
-Ainsley likes to help to the dishes left in the sink with the peppermint hand soap while I am outside with Winston at night.  It makes the kitchen smell really good.
-Caleb is always the first one to give me a hug, he can carry a pitch, and is a really good singer.
-Ainlsey loves to sing, cannot carry a pitch but hopefully that will come with time?  Please let that come with time!
-Winston likes to lay down by Andy's speakers while Andy is gone.  I do move him when I find him there to prevent a "Turner and Hooch" situation but I worry he is hard of hearing because those are some intense speakers.
-Tate finally learned the color green but only after dark grey and pink.
-Clipping up is the key to everything right now.  Time out=age.  The crier and the doer both go to time out.  We have been doing this for almost a month and life has been good.
-Tate is obsessed with his grandparents history and their parents.  What was Grandpa Griner's dad like? What was Great Great Grandpa Clark like?  What about Grandpa Hyde?  What does he like to do?  What did he do with his dad?  How tall was Grandma Grayson's dad and did where did Grandma Rassel's dad live and like to eat?  It is like 50 questions all the time.  Oddly I can't answer some of them and neither can Andy.  I am going to make him a book which I think all my kids would love, a fun picture book.  
-In all honesty I think I am somewhat allergic to Winston.

Monday, January 6, 2014

New Years Day 2013

For 4 years we have had a Ribs n' Chicken Party…start the year off with friends and family.  We skipped last year with the move but started up again this year…every year there seems to more kids, older kids, but the same amount of adults (we missed the Rudd family this year)!
 16 kids, good food, top your own hot chocolate, and New Years Punch that when asked what was in it I simply replied "It will make your 2014 dreams come true!"
 (Normally I have Christmas down the day after Christmas but its been an usual LONG month)
Guitar music by Andy and Mark along with 2003 vs 2013 trivia followed by delicious desserts!
 First Brunch of the year at Neva's house yet Neva's dad showed up with half an ice cream cake and a GIANT smile!  Ainsley had a lot of fun!
 Winston all ready for the big game…I think he knows the outcome already:(
Andy grilling for the game…ending with a win on the chicken, yum… but a loss for the Chiefs. 
 Ainley and Maddie.  Every time they play they instantly feel its Little Mermaid time.  Swimsuit time, bubble time, and of course I am free to supervise, ALWAYS.
Even though it is -7 degrees and school for the 3 older kids was cancelled Tate started his first day of preschool.  This is BIG!  New backpack, had to wear Malcolm's shirt and Caleb's underneath.  He was ready.  I was a little nervous to send him to a preschool with someone other than Miss Susan as his teacher but after a lot of calls and the Kindergarten Roundup notice I knew enough was enough.  The older siblings were curious…He did awesome.  When we picked him up he said P, P, P all the way home. Pickle, Package, Pencil, Practice…P, P, P,P.  Pretty Perfect Potato if you ask me! Oddly enough he didn't say bye.  No hug, no see ya later, no nothing.  Yum,  have I not made him 3 peanut butter sandwiches every day for the last year?  Do I not play with him all the time?  Are we not best buds?  This is very baffling…
 I would have traded 3 Tate's at home today for the 3 felons I've had causing a ruckus.  
Please let there me school tomorrow.