Thursday, October 23, 2008

Trampoline, Flu Shots, and Lego's

This week has been one for the books. On Monday the we were invited to join the neighbor kids on their new trampoline. I wasn't sure how the kids would react.

They loved it!
Ainsley loved it too but I couldn't find a "Not Blury" picture.

Dandy. Ainsley loves Dandy. She is not tall enough to get up on her own (thank goodness) but she loves it and will spend up to 10 minutes just sitting on it. It is probably our best $20 Garage Sale buy ever!

Flu Shots

I have been dreading and looking forward to this week for the last month. I have been dreading it because I knew that the kids would probably have yucky side effects from the flu shot which would cause extra laundry and little-no sleep. I have been looking forward to it because I will do everything in my "Mother protective" power to avoid a winter like last year. Let me explain. Last year I opted not to do flu shots because the year before Aubrey and Caleb got very sick from them. Stupidest, Most Careless, and Naive decision I have ever made (which says a lot). Not only did all my kids get the flu last year (twice, January and March) but Aubrey had a fever seizure (scary and very emotional) and Caleb ended up getting Strep Pneumonia, hospitalized for a little over a week.
Well, Tuesday came and everything that could go wrong that morning did but by 11:00 sharp we were waiting in the Doctors office.
This was also a very important doctor visit for Ainsley. She wasn't able to get her 12 month shots last month because she was underweight and not feeling good. Good news!!! Ainsley gained 10 ounces in 1 month and now weighs 18 pounds!! So Ainsley got 4 shots+flu shot and Aubrey/Caleb both got flu shots. It was sad to see all the kids crying. Caleb screamed like he was dying....3 nurses held him down but he still managed to move and the needle scraped his leg:( Aubrey did amazingly well, she cried a little and then picked out a princess sticker. Ainsley screamed from the minute we walked through the doctor's office door until I put her in her in the car to go home. All in all I am so glad that I did all 3 kids at once. Next year I will have Andy take them.
As expected Wednesday morning Caleb woke up with a fever (between 101-102) and was very sad and cranky. Ainsley had a small fever (from her TB shot) but she was still happy and playful. Aubrey was just fine. How wonderful!!!! I expected much worse so I am very happy!
Although Caleb didn't sleep last night by this morning (7am) his fever seems to be much lower and his behavior is surprisingly mild.
By 10 am after breakfast, bath time, water painting, play-doh, a call home, a load of laundry, Dora, and lego's life is back to normal!

**Things that make me move quickly on a lazy morning...
1. "I love Ketchup Play-doh Mom!" said my Caleb. I ran as fast as I could to make sure the Ketchup and Play-doh were in secure separate places.
2. "I didn't mean to, Mom!" yelled by Caleb and followed by a bang.
3. "Don't worry Mom!" said by Caleb.


Unknown said...

Hah! Caleb is so funny! "KK no in trouble! KK NO IN TROUBLE!!!!" That is what I shall always remember him by. Is there no end to your maddness?!!! Ainsley is one tough little girl. How can she only weigh 18 lbs, I weight more than that when I was born. But her on Calebs diet!

Ella said...

Wow, thank you for the flu shot reminder! I forget that kids can get SO sick from just the flu! I'll have to make an appointment....